A detailed example of query using e-mail

Mail To: bdbquery@obs-besancon.fr
Subject: request to bdb

One requests here :
   VN=V444 Cyg

DATATYPE=p,a BD=+33 2452 CCDM=00052+3020 DATATYPE=e VN=AG Per DATATYPE=l HD=193793 CATALOGUE=ccdm IDS=23552N6523 <EREQUEST>
the whole data for V444 Cygni
(CATALOGUE=all, DATATYPE=l) the photometric and astrometric data on stars BD +33 2452 and CCDM 00052+3020 the eclipsing binary data about AG Persei the whole data for HD 193793 the data of the CCDM catalogue for the star IDS 23552 N 6523

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